CSW: EEDC takes electrical safety awareness to schools in Enugu


The Enugu Electricity Distribution Company (EEDC) has taken electrical safety awareness to schools to sensitize students on the dangers of improper use of electricity appliances, wires, and other inputs/outputs devices.




The sensitization of the company to schools in the Enugu metropolis is in continuation of its activities for the ongoing annual Customer Service Week (CSW) as well as in keeping with its customer education and safety awareness initiative.




During the visit to Government Secondary School, Enugu on Friday; the Head, of Customer Service, EEDC, Mrs Ijeoma Ogudebe, said that “the choice of targeting schools is basically to catch the students at formative-stage to be conscious of dangers of electricity”.




Ogudebe also stressed some important information that they (students) needed to know about electricity and its usage.




She also educated the students and their teachers on the electricity value chain, the dynamics of electricity distribution, and their role as customers in ensuring that the sector is sustainable.




She noted that most of the challenges being experienced in the electricity sector could be attributed to ignorance and lack of knowledge.




The Head, of Health Safety and Environment, EEDC, Dr. Francis Iwu, took time to educate the students on the hazards associated with the usage of electricity and the necessary precautions to be taken to remain safe while using it.




“Some of these safety tips included not using electricity appliances with wet hands, not carrying out recreational activities under electricity power-line, developing the culture of not using ring boilers, but rather use electric kettle which has an inbuilt thermostat,” Iwu said.




He implored the students to inform their parents of the need to use qualified and competent electricians in carrying out electrical work in their homes.




He urged the students to persuade their parents to ensure that the right and standard materials are used in wiring their homes to avoid electrical fire accidents.




The students were excited with the awareness, and this was obvious in the way and manner they paid attention, took notes, and asked brilliant questions on areas of concern.




One of the students, Master Emeka Onyeka, appreciated EEDC for the sensitization while noting that he had learned not to touch any electricity appliance with wet hands to avoid electric shock.




The Principal of the School, Mrs. Ijeoma Onuigbo, appreciated the EEDC team, adding: “We would like to have you again as this knowledge-sharing opportunity needs to be regular and consistent”.




Onuigbo acknowledged that with the engagement, they had enriched their wealth of knowledge in electricity, its usage, and the precautionary measures to be taken to stay safe, alive, and well.




It should be recalled that Customer Service Week (CSW) is a global event celebrated annually by service-oriented organizations in the first week of October.




CSW provides them with an opportunity to celebrate their customers; while the theme for this year’s celebration is “Team Service”.

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